Monday, February 7, 2011

Whitsunday on the Boat

After a few days in the outback at the farm we were on the road again. After 700km our next stop was a town called Airley Beach. This is a small town that caters to sailing adventures to the Whitsunday islands. After the hurricane that passed through in the previous   week we weren’t sure if they would be up and running but we were lucky. The boat was a 60ft yacht and we were the only ones on it which was fun. They had a crew of 3 and we were extremely well looked after. We sailed, motored overnighted in quiet bays, hiked, and snorkelled over a two day period. One of the highlights was when Mel, our captain, caught  a meter long shark on his fishing line and reeled it in with a lot of help from Peter, Murray and his crew. It was released back into the ocean. Peter particularly enjoyed the sailing as it brought back memories of his  Catamaran. The captain even allowed him to take the helm as we sailed back today. 3 days in the sun certainly browned us all up even though we are using oodles of lotion. Tonight we are back in Airley and the gang will go out for a seafood dinner tonight. We don’t know what is ahead for the rest of our trip. The main highway to Cairns is currently destroyed in places and cut off to traffic. One of the areas we were to spend 2 days, Mission Beach, was totally destroyed so we await news of where we go. Whatever it will be a new adventure.


  1. You guys look so healthy and happy! Marlene, I never thought I'd see photos of you enjoying sailing... that's wonderful! As for that tiny little kangaroo, ADORABLE!!! You should bring her home to be a buddy for your pet pony! Keep having fun, sounds like a new adventure every day! xoxox

  2. Sounds like you all are having loads of fun. Am so enjoying reading about all your adventures.

  3. Here's looking at you two beautiful ladies (and the guys aren't bad either). Like you, we took a boat today but is was a small wooden clunker with no life jackets in sight. Took us and 6 others to an uninhabited coral island off the north west tip of Bali. There we snorlked and some scuba dove on and off the reef. I will write my blog in a moment. Hope only good adventures ahead.
    Love you both (all), M.E.

  4. Fun to hear from the travellers... sounds like Marlene is getting into the "roughing it" travel, although your boat cruising sounded like you were pampered. We have tons of snow, so enjoy your time in the sun. The drifts around your place are 4 ft high! I like the sounds of Mary-Ellen and Philip's trip, Bali is Paradise!
